6 Top Tips for Students Moving to a New House
The prospect of moving to a new home in London must be all types of exciting for you, and so many adventures await! The options are essentially endless, from exploring London’s varied pub culture and nightlife to visiting the famous Covent Garden.
However, before exploring the diverse life that London has to offer, you need to find the perfect house. Here are some of the top tips that should help you get settled into your new home faster than you would expect.
1. Scrutinise Your Inventory
Before signing on the dotted line, go through your inventory with a fine-tooth comb. Ensure management clearly lays everything out in terms of what they expected from you as a tenant, as well as your landlord’s responsibilities. Additionally, ensure that you adequately document the house’s condition as you move in. If the house has any inbuilt appliances such as washing machines or fridges, record their condition via picture.
2. Set Up Your Utilities
This isn’t the most exciting part of moving into a new house, but it’s necessary for a seamless transition. Shop around for the most affordable utility providers such as gas, electricity, and even cable TV as well as internet service providers. You will be glad you got this one out of the way early, as it can be a pain last-minute.
3. Check The Cleanliness of The House
How clean is the house as you move in? Is there trash lying around from the previous tenant? It’s also essential to check out the general cleanliness of the neighbourhood. If you notice overflowing trash bins, this might not be the ideal space to settle in. If the house is in tip-top shape, ensure that you keep it that way even as you unpack. Make sure you don’t get any stains on the walls!
4. Do a Safety Sweep
This will involve checking to see that all the latches on doors and windows work well. If any are in rough shape, ensure to notify the landlord immediately for them to make repairs before you move in. Additionally, check that the smoke and CO2 alarms are in good working order. The landlord must install them in the right places and make sure that they work at all times, so notify them of any issues here.
5. Change Your Mailing Address
Ensure that you change your mailing address to your new house. It is also vital that you update your friends and family about your new address should they want to send you a care package! Changing your mailing address as soon as you have officially moved should be a top priority.
6. Re-Examine Your Budget
Now that you’ve found the perfect spot, it’s an excellent time to examine your budget. Check that you can still meet your monthly bills, including rent, utilities, commuting, and the cost of living in your new digs. If you need to make a few adjustments, be sure to do this so that you’re able to keep up! Besides, we all know that a student’s chequebook isn’t bottomless!
Enjoying London Life
Now that you’ve found a house that you love, and you’ve followed the tips above, it’s time to relax and settle in comfortably to your new life as a student in London. Take the time to immerse yourself in the culture and make the most of your London experience!