If you do not have the right paperwork, then selling your home can become much harder than it otherwise should be. Do not fall into the trap of getting a potential buyer lined up only to have the deal fall through due to documentation. Instead, get all – or, at least, some – of your documents ready beforehand. What are the documents you will need and which ones are optional? Read on to find out.

Title Deeds
In the UK, selling your home will mean having the title deeds to pass on after the sale. The trouble is that many people don’t have them. Don’t worry. This might be because your mortgage isn’t fully paid off yet. Alternatively, they might have gone missing. This is sometimes the case with older properties that have had a long history of owners. Selling your home doesn’t mean having to possess the original deeds, however. You can also obtain them through the Land Registry, a government department. Instruct your solicitor to do this for you if you don’t have time to apply for a copy yourself.
The next document to obtain is an energy performance certificate, or EPC. The government introduced them in 2007. Essentially, they act as a measure of the efficiency of homes and other buildings for heating and cooling. Without one, it is technically not possible to market your home and subsequently sell it. So, get one before you even start talking to estate agents.
Personal ID
You might not think it but you’ll need to prove who you are when selling your home. This is to help prevent fraud. As such, you will need something officially recognised as a form of ID. For example, many people will use their passports. Alternatively, you could present your driving license or even a copy of your firearms license if you have one! You can also use official Benefits Agency letters or a residency permit.
Tenure Documentation
Tenure is the way lawyers describe the legal status of land. Unless you are renting your residence – in which case selling your home would be illegal because you don’t own it – your tenure is probably freehold or leasehold. Leasehold paperwork can get quite complex. You’ll need all the documents relating to it and any charges and so on from management companies that might apply. Furthermore, you’ll need to prove the length of time remaining on the lease. Freeholders don’t need to worry so much. This is because their deeds will cover most aspects of the tenure. Nevertheless, your should produce flying freehold and shared freehold paperwork where appropriate.
Fittings and Contents Form
A fittings and contents form is a document the Law Society recommends when selling a home. The idea is to make it clear to all what is included in the sale and what is not. This means listing things like curtains and carpets that might be being left behind. Misunderstandings sometimes occur when people purchase a house or flat only to find that they don’t get everything they had expected. The form that is in widespread use is called a TA10. In addition, you should consider filling out a TA6 form. This isn’t the same as a fittings and contents form, however. Instead, it deals with things like potential boundary disputes, warranties on appliances that are on the TA10 form and property insurance matters.
Steps After Selling Your Home
With your documentation in place, selling your home should become a breeze. Of course, you will also need to produce a mortgage proposal for any home that you will be moving to after the sale unless you have sufficient equity. Once you have a date in the pipeline for your move, contact Volition Removals to help plan your removal work. Our man and van service is ideal for moves both large and small, from one-bedroom flats to much bigger family homes.